Hi everyone,
I love making my own cosmetics product (see also: skin scrubs). A new brilliant recipe that I’ve been using lately for making lip balms / body lotion bars* is based on natural oils, and it works wonders……I LOVE it especially for using it as a lip balm.
*A body lotion bar is body butter in a bar form. It’s very moisturising and therefore great for extra dry and rough areas like elbows and heels.
All you need:
- silicone mold (Silikonbackform)
- 1 1/2 tbsp beeswax organic (1 1/2 Esslöffel Bio Bienenwachs)
- 1/2 tbsp shea butter organic (1/2 Esslöffel Bio Sheabutter)
- 1 tbsp Coconut oil organic (1 Esslöffel Bio Kokosöl)
- 1 tea spoon vanilla oil (1 Teelöffel Bio Vanille Öl)
- 1/2 tbsp kukui nut oil organic (1/2 Esslöffel Bio Kukuinussöl)
All you need to do:
1. Step: Melt the bees wax using a microwave or a double boiler on a cooker (like melting chocolate).
1. Schritt: Den Bienenwachs in der Mikrowelle oder auf der Herdplatte mit der Wasserbadmethode schmelzen (so wie Schokolade).
2. Step: Add shea butter to the melted wax and put the mixture back into the microwave for a few more seconds to melt the butter (do not over heat as the good oil properties can be quickly destroyed by high temperatures).
2.Schritt: Füge die Shea Butter dem geschmolzenen Wachs hinzu und stell das Ganze noch einmal kurz in die Mikrowelle bis die Butter geschmolzen ist (nicht zu lange erhitzen, da die guten Öleigenschaften leicht zerstört werden können).
3. Step: Add coconut oil to the wax-sheabutter-mixture and stir until it is melted (no need to reheat).
3. Schritt: Füge Kokosnussöl hinzu und umrühren bis das Öl geschmolzen ist (weiteres Erhitzen nicht nötig).
4. Step: Add kukui oil and vanilla oil into the mixture.
4. Schritt: Füge Kukui und Vanille Öl der Mischung bei.
To make the little bars more presentable I garnished them with coconut flakes and cupcake glitter. However, as the plain bars turned out to be more practical, I’d rather skip this step ;).
Als Nächstes habe ich Kokosnussraspeln und Lebkuchenperlen in die Silikonbehälter gegeben damit das Ergebnis schöner aussieht … Das war allerdings am Ende nicht wirklich praktisch, also vielleicht doch lieber nicht machen ;).
Final step: Pour the liquid mixture into the silicone mold and leave it in the fridge to cool down completely and get solid.
Letzer Schritt: die flüssige Mischung in die Silikonbehälter füllen und im Kühlschrank über Nacht auskühlen lassen.
….and here you go 🙂
I hope you give this recipe a try. You can of course replace some of the ingredients with others (e.g. kukui oil with olive oil, avocado oil or almond oil).
Please feel free to leave any questions or comments below.
Enjoy and good luck,
Man kann natürlich manche Produkte, z.B. Kukui Öl, durch andere ersetzen (wie zum Beispiel durch Olivenöl, Avocadoöl, oder Mandelöl).
Freu’ mich über Eure Fragen oder Kommentare.
Gutes Gelingen,
3 Responses
Wow what a nice idea! Thanks a lot for sharing!
Nostalgic me
This is a great post! My mum has a small business of that kind and makes face & body creams, lip balms etc from completely pure and organic products. People should be extra careful with the essential oils that you use in creams and balms. Most oils in the market are not edible and not safe to use in direct contact with your skin (also there are specific oils that should not be used at all during daylight etc as they cause white patches on face skin) 😉 so do your research before start playing around with oils and similar stuff! 😉
Thank you so much my dear for sharing and caring . I love natural beauty products. I am very curious about oils and do a lot of research before start using them. You are absolutely right, they can cause damage if used in a wrong way